Wednesday 14 January 2015

Communicate Like a Pro in 3 Proven Steps

Only recently have we begun to realize the effect our fast-paced entertainment and our up-to-the-second connectedness has had on our lives and those of our children…and it’s not good.

Yes, there are expanded opportunities for learning and for keeping in touch with others around the globe. But there are considerable disadvantages too. When we are besieged by phone beeps, texts, reminders, the latest headline news, emails and our almost addictive need for instantaneous gratification, we become less able to disconnect from technology and to communicate authentically and persuasively in the present.

For those of us who have been in the communication skills training profession for the last 20 years, the change has been dramatic. We still work on communicating clearly and powerfully but there has been a shift to learning how to slow down and really connect and listening.

Would you agree that in business, as in personal life, effective communication is key…whether on the factory floor or in the C-suite? If so, slow down and pay attention to the way truly effective communicators operate.

1. They unplug.
The best communicators turn off their electronic devices when they are involved in a personal interaction. We all know how it feels to have someone interrupt our face-to-face conversation by answering and talking on their cell phone…you feel somewhat insulted and second-best. On the contrary, when someone really focuses in on you with eye contact, head cocked and their full attention, it feels great. You feel as if your listener really values what you have to say.

2. They are empathetic.
Skilled communicators know how to show they really care. They have the ability to know what it feels like to walk in your shoes and look at life from your perspective. Rather than foist their thoughts and feelings on you, they listen to your thoughts and feelings with their heart as well as their mind.

3. They welcome meaningful conversations.
Rather than brush you off as they rush about, they stop to share a conversation that is deeper than the superficial niceties of “Hi, how are you? Have a nice day.” They understand that sound relationships are built on finding mutual interests and exchanging thoughtful ideas. They are fully present instead of mentally thinking about the next item on their “to do” list.

If you want to communicate like a pro—more effectively and more meaningfully, learn how to turn off all distracting electronic gadgets, consider the other’s perspective and interact in the here and now.

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